Design and construction of sewer and water lines shall comply with the standards Landscape material: Materials such as, but not limited to, living trees, shrubs, vines, lawn grass and ground cover and nonliving durable material commonly used in landscaping such as, but not limited to, rocks, pebbles, and sand but excluding pavement for vehicular use. In all residential developments, recreation areas in the form of mini-parks shall be provided at a ratio of one-quarter () acre per four hundred (400) dwelling units at minimum. Street lights shall be located so as not to encroach on sidewalks. a. Along a local street, the buffer shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet in width, and along collector and arterial roadways, twenty (20) feet in width. 3. Payments in lieu of construction shall be based upon prices in contracts currently available for city construction of sidewalks to city standards. 5. The layout of proposed structures and improvements shall be made with regard for natural Comes with an 8 inch well with Jet irrigation. 2017-20, 1, 11-21-17). These requirements shall be permitted to be modified where, in the opinion of the The style and placement of street lights shall be approved by the city prior to installation. 6. i. Such off-premises parking areas shall be maintained, regulated, and enforced as if they were on the premises served. The minimum street grade required for adequate drainage shall be as approved by the director of public works. Said turnaround shall have a minimum centerline radius of sixty (60) feet. Temporary structures are those which are designed, constructed and intended to be used on a short-term basis. Sec. Wiltshire Blvd. otherwise, the City may require study and documentation of additional segments and intersections. No new residential subdivision or planned development with more than ten (10) lots or multi-family development with more than twelve (12) units shall be approved with primary access from a local street. A tangent at least one hundred (100) feet long shall be introduced between reverse curves on arterial and collector streets. See sections 23-212, 23-215, and 23-217 for permit requirements. 27.71809064916038, -81.62977053088716 hydrant top. 2. ft. of building floor area plus 3.0 per doctor, practitioner, or full-time equivalent, 1.4 per bed based on maximum patient capacity, 0.4 per 100 sq. System (NPDES) for the project shall be enforced during and after grading. On corner lots, no obstruction shall be permitted to impede visibility between a height of two (2) feet and ten (10) feet above the grades of the intersecting streets within a visibility triangle of thirty (30) feet measured from the point of intersection of the travel lanes of two (2) streets, or a street and railroad. Future Traffic Conditions: background traffic, trip generation, trip distribution and assignment and future traffic volumes. c. Street jogs with center line offsets of less than one hundred twenty-five (125) feet shall not be made. Land use. 0000001419 00000 n endstream endobj 27 0 obj <> endobj 28 0 obj <>/Type/Page>> endobj 29 0 obj <> endobj 30 0 obj <> endobj 31 0 obj <> endobj 32 0 obj <> endobj 33 0 obj <> endobj 34 0 obj <>stream Flush hydrants. a. DOR Use Codes Descriptions Located in a high industrial and distribution area; there are existing industrial tenants in the vicinity of the property. SIGNIFICANT STAND OF OAK TREESAny stand of oak trees whose trunk diameters may be less than four (4) inches encompassing Subdivisions platted along existing streets shall dedicate additional right-of-way if necessary to meet the minimum requirements for new streets set forth in Table 303C above. From Dundee Road head to downtown Dundee to Main Street. The need for turn lanes at proposed project access shall be determined using the methods of NCHRP 745 for left-turn lanes and NCHRP 279 for right-turn lanes. rated capacity of high volume (Class AA) hydrants shall be stenciled in black on the To be credited toward the recreation requirement, such linear parks must be in a landscaped corridor, a minimum of 25 feet in width. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE POLK COUNTY, FLORIDA | Land Development Code United States Government. Water Tech Specs and Standard Drawings Sewer Tech Specs and Standard Drawings. Definitions:Root Barrier Typically used for Street Trees, Root Barriers are structures and/or materials that redirect tree roots down and away from hardscapes, preventing costly root damage while preserving the health and functionality of trees.Street Tree A tree that is currently located or proposed for planting along streets or highways. Specifications for Division 1. Land Development, Article III. General Development - eLaws 23-308.1 Design standards. 0000001388 00000 n b. Exempt from these requirements are streets within the C-1 and C1-A zoning districts. For Sale: 408409 - Residential, 4 bed, 2 bath, 1,820 sqft at 4562 GRANDVIEW GLEN DRIVE in Auburndale. and water systems located and constructed to minimize flood hazards. In cases where existing right-of-way width is less than the requirement for the classification of the street (see section 23-303), reductions in setback shall be limited so that a minimum of fifty (50) percent of the required right-of-way width is reserved. Sidewalks shall be a minimum of five (5) feet wide in residential areas and eight (8) feet wide in mixed use and non-residential districts. 2. Polk County is a mix of recreational and residential development and agricultural tracts that include numerous citrus groves. TABLE 23-302B Trees shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet in height at time of planting. 5 spaces, 1 per 3 seats based on maximum capacity plus 3 for drive-up or take-out service, 0.4 per 100 sq. The property has a good balance of uplands and wetlands with 137.6 acres uplands, and the remaining are wetlands. 117 Polk Ave W, Dundee, FL 33838 - MLS L4935670 - Coldwell Banker 1. Off-street loading and unloading space shall be provided for all retail, restaurant, and industrial uses except those in the C-1and D-MU districts. 3. Type: Undeveloped Land, Lakefront, Waterfront. Upcoming Events Feb 27 February . North on Main Street to Polk Ave West. c. Structures shall meet the requirements of section 23-422, dimensional and area regulations, article V, accessory uses and structures, and article VI, resource protection standards, as applicable. Street lights shall be provided along all vehicular and pedestrian ways in all subdivisions and planned development projects. 2018-07, 3, 09-19-18), Effective on Wednesday, September 7, 2022, consistent with the Transportation Element and map of the Comprehensive Plan, Federal Highway Administration defines the, multi-family buildings shall be approved or permitted on a local street unless the distance via local streets from the site to a minor collector street. Sec. Microsimulation software may also be used but is not required. 23-302.8 Paving. Sec. endstream endobj 35 0 obj <>stream 317 Polk St, Hollywood, FL 33019 | MLS# F10364142 | Redfin Municode Library b. Dedication of right-of-way for existing streets. The latest edition of the ITE Trip Generation Handbook shall be used to estimate pass-by trip reductions for non-residential developments. Setback from the future right-of-way shall not be waived if widening of the street is included in the City Five-Year Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) or County Five-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) or is included in any improvement programs of the Florida Department of Transportation. the city, and shall be maintained as such. Lawn grass. You can search by broker or agent name, Construction Services. Temporary structures are not exempt from the provisions of the Building Code. 17. PDF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCEDURES - Polk County, Florida to city limit, Chalet Suzanne Road eastward from U.S. 27(CR 17-A), Thompson Nursery Road westward from U.S. 27. All driveways and parking areas shall be paved with asphalt, concrete, or other stable paving material unless paving is specifically waived by the planning board pursuant to section 23-222.5. Sec. xb```"wV#ce`a \8#v '0Fwzi "pR17``0h```R *aA%a20-@,ge`m`pA5") ]Vo]/>V10&@%pF ~` T6" For Sale: 7 beds, 5.5 baths 3941 sq. 0000004556 00000 n Located in Central Florida south of Orlando, Polk County is a mix of recreational and residential development and agricultural tracts that include numerous citrus groves. Spacing. If a segment or intersection with a history of high crash occurrence exists within a study area, at the discretion of the City an evaluation of potential mitigating measures can be required. Parallel parking spaces shall measure a minimum of ten (10) feet in width and twenty-four (24) feet in length. Grocery and other shopping are about five miles away. and public utility officials to provide supporting documentation for review. The minimum grade of all streets shall be 0.3 percent unless specifically approved by the director of public works. Additionally, the formatting and pagination of the posted documents varies from the formatting and pagination of the official copy. An entrance shall be provided to each collector road on which the development has frontage. Irrigation system needs work but can be fully functional. Polk County Land Records Search (Florida) - County Office This provision does not All uses covered by this subsection shall conform to the minimum landscaping requirements hereinafter provided, save and except areas which are used for parking or other vehicular uses but which are located under or within buildings. Applicability a. 5. The applicant must submit the written methodology letter to the City and obtain written concurrence on the proposed methodology. 4. 2006-24, 8, 9, 6-6-06; Ord. b. Commercial and industrial developments. These methods may include the use of the latest available versions of the Highway Capacity Software (HCS), Synchro, or LOSPLAN, as approved by the City. IV, Div. Curb cuts shall be located at least fifty (50) feet from any intersection of streets or access roads interior to a development. be guided by the standards established in the neighboring areas and the effect of Required parking spaces may be consolidated into a large parking area serving several uses. The structure shall be accessible to emergency vehicles via a stable surface. Property Details: this section. Nothing contained in or displayed on this site constitutes or is intended to constitute legal advice by the city or any of its agencies, officers, employees, agents, attorneys, or representatives. Future Build Scenario with Mitigation (if necessary) the Florida Building Code. 0000010633 00000 n g. Utility easements. Parcel #: 27-32-09-932550-001480/ 27-32-09-932550-001490/ 27-32-09-932550-001050/ 27-32-09-932550-001060 & 27-32-09-932550-001040 Trees shall be of a species which in this area will have a mature crown spread of greater than fifteen (15) feet and a trunk of five (5) feet of clear wood. Most homes have . Parks located in interior spaces surrounded by residential lots are discouraged. Table of proposed trip generation including pass-by trips and internal trip capture including land use description, ITE codes, trip rates or formulas and data used in the calculations from the latest edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual and ITE Trip Generation Handbook. In cases of redevelopment, net external trips shall be based upon the new or proposed land use as compared to the land use existing at the time of redevelopment. 2022-06, 1, 3-01-22;Ord. Species excluded from the requirement for a tree removal permit (sec. Access aisles. IMP. a. POULTRY, BEES, FISH, & RABBITSW/PASTURE/MISC. layout of proposed structures and improvements in regard to trees of significance. LDR Directory. POULTRY, BEES, FISH, & RABBITSW/PASTURE/M.H. For parcels located within 1,320 feet of a transit route or within the area mapped as the Central Urban Core by the Comprehensive Plan's Future Land Use Map, the maximum permitted density may be increased up to 12 dwelling units per gross acre. plans and recording of the documents creating such easements. Polk County FL Land & Lots For Sale - 1287 Listings | Zillow In parking areas with under fifty (50) spaces, access aisle widths shall be dependent upon the angle of the parking spaces as shown in Table 23-306A. 7. and S.R. 2. The mixed use Planned Development Project (see site plan attached) also features a 2.2 Acre Commercial site with frontage along Scenic Highway 17, which will be directly accessible for the Single- Family home residents without having to go on public roads. 1. No. CONTRACTORS AND CONSTRUCTION Chapter 5.5. Closed Saturday - Sunday, City of Polk City, FloridaPhone: 863-984-1375Fax: 863-984-2334123 Broadway Blvd. trees, not to exceed the minimum size requirements as stated in paragraph (b). a. Below are the most recent Development Special Magistrate agendas. The property slopes to the west and south. New streets shall extend existing street grids and patterns where feasible. Typically, the agenda is posted one week prior to the Development Special Magistrate meeting date. If the street is unpaved, or does not meet other design requirements of this section necessary for adequate service to the proposed development, the administrative official, or the planning board, as applicable, shall require the applicant to upgrade the street to provide adequate access, unless the improvements are scheduled by the city, county, or state, and will render access adequate at the time the proposed structures are occupied. Solid fences shall not be permitted along retention areas, and chain link shall not be permitted unless required by the stormwater permitting agency. Cash Price: $199,900 Sec. View photos and details, save properties, and contact sellers. within a utility easement without the written approval of the director of public works.
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